
Dehydrate Apples

Dehydrate Apples

How to Dehydrate Apples.|Dehydration Methods

Dehydrating apples is a wonderful way to preserve the fruit and enjoy a healthy snack throughout the year. Whether you have a surplus of apples or simply enjoy the chewy texture of dried fruit, learning to dehydrate apples at home can be both fun and rewarding. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to dehydrate apples using various methods, along with tips to ensure the best results.

Why Dehydrate Apples?

Dehydrating apples concentrates their natural sweetness, making them an excellent snack for hiking, school lunches, or just a healthy treat at home. Additionally, dried apples can be used in baking, added to cereals, or rehydrated for use in recipes. Dehydration extends the shelf life of apples, reducing food waste and ensuring you have nutritious options available year-round.

Preparing the Apples

The first step in dehydrating apples is proper preparation:

  1. Select the Apples: Choose firm, ripe apples. Varieties like Fuji, Gala, Honeycrisp, or Granny Smith work particularly well due to their texture and sweetness.
  2. Wash and Peel: Wash the apples thoroughly. You can peel them if you prefer, but leaving the peel on adds fiber and nutrients.
  3. Core and Slice: Core the apples and slice them evenly. Aim for slices that are about 1/4 inch thick. Uniform slices ensure even drying.

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Preventing Browning

Apples tend to brown quickly once cut. To prevent this, you can use a pretreatment method:

  1. Ascorbic Acid Solution: Mix 4 cups (1 qt) of water with 2 tablespoons of ascorbic acid powder. Soak the apple slices in this solution for a few minutes [1].
  2. Lemon Juice Solution: Alternatively, you can use a mixture of water and lemon juice (1 tablespoon of lemon juice per cup of water) to soak the slices [5].

Dehydration Methods

There are several methods to dehydrate apples, each with its own advantages:

  1. Using a Dehydrator:

    • Setup: Arrange the apple slices in a single layer on the dehydrator trays.
    • Temperature and Time: Set the dehydrator to 135°F. Dehydrate for about 12 hours or until the apples are dry but still slightly rubbery [3].
  2. Using an Oven:

    • Setup: Place the apple slices on baking sheets lined with parchment paper.
    • Temperature and Time: Preheat the oven to 125°F/52°C. Dry the apples for 4-6 hours for a leathery texture or 8-10 hours for crisp chips. Turn the slices occasionally to ensure even drying [4].
  3. Using an Air Fryer:

    • Setup: Arrange the slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket.
    • Temperature and Time: Follow the air fryer’s instructions for dehydrating fruits. This usually involves setting the temperature to around 125°F and drying for several hours.

Checking for Doneness

Properly dehydrated apples should be dry to the touch but still slightly pliable. They should not be so moist that they stick together. If the slices are brittle, they may have over-dried, but they are still usable as apple chips [3][4].

Storing Dehydrated Apples

Store the dried apples in airtight containers or vacuum-sealed bags to keep them fresh. Place the containers in a cool, dark place. Properly stored, dehydrated apples can last for several months. For longer storage, consider refrigerating or freezing them.[2] [1]


Dehydrating apples is a simple and effective way to preserve this delicious fruit. With a little preparation and the right equipment, you can enjoy the sweet, concentrated flavors of dried apples anytime. Whether you use a dehydrator, oven, or air fryer, the key is to ensure even drying and proper storage. So next time you find yourself with an abundance of apples, try dehydrating them for a tasty, nutritious treat.

🌐 Sources

  1. freshoffthegrid.com – How to Dehydrate Apples (and make apple chips!)
  2. realsimple.com – How to Dehydrate Apples in an Oven, Air Fryer, or …
  3. alifewellplanted.com – Dehydrating Apples | Easy Method
  4. alphafoodie.com – How to Dehydrate Apples (3 Methods)
  5. stemilt.com – How to Dehydrate Apples

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